One of the very common questions asked in various forums is "How do I know what version of Catan I have?"
On this page you can select the base game, the base 5/6 player set, and then each of the major expansions to see images of each box. Within the expansions there are also images of the 5/6 player extensions. Please select from the following:
English Base sets
English Base 5/6 Player sets
English Cities & Knights sets
English Seafarers sets
English Traders & Barbarians
English Explorers & Pirates
Identify your English Catan Card Game
Identify your Scenario Map
Identify you German Catan Base Set
Please note on the English Catan base set page, I have also included hex artwork and card designs for each edition.
As the game was first released in German and as the box design is also changed over the years, I have also incuded a page on how to identify your German Catan set, along with pages covering bot the English Card Game and the various maps and scenarios.