My collection grew with three new games today. My sister-in-law came to visit and brought some items purchased in Australia for me.
Recently she very kindly called me out of the blue from a Game World store in Melbourne to let me know they had a lot of Catan in stock and then spent ages going through the boxes one by one for me, checking the copyright dates to see if I was missing them.I managed to get the 2023 base set and the 2024 Starfarers. On a previous visit she had picked up the New Energies game and so brought this over too. I am particularly happy to get the 2023 Base set as this brings my list of English base sets back up to date. The downside to this set is that it means I am probably now missing all the 2023/2024 versions of all the expansions and extensions too.
In the favourite games part of my collection I try to get all the languages of a particular release, however with Starfarers I am happy to have just English and German as this is how Starfarers was released originally. I am keen to collect the different copyright dates within these two languages.
Other recent aquisitions in this pic include the new Catan novel, the older Catan cookbook, as well as some Catan beer cans from the USA. Also shown is a small promotional tag from Gencon and a couple of recent promotional pins. I would love to add all the promotional items into my collection but they are difficult to find outside of the States.
New items for the collection
2024 Starfarers joins the shelf for the updated copies
On the display stand the original Starfarers still has pride of place