Sets Needed
Base Set
Base 5/6 Player
Seafarers 5/6 Player
Iceberg Hex
Harbourmaster (Optional)
Recommended for
5 to 6 players
Game Instructions
- Victory: 11 Victory Points
- Rules: Use Longest Road, Largest Army and Harbourmaster
Let the race for the iron throne commence!
Players may place their initial two settlements anywhere on the map (following the usual distance rule).
Play with Cities & Knights, and up the goal to 14 points.
The Iceberg is a sea hex, not a land hex. If you are unfamiliar with the Iceberg rules, you can read them here. (In this map it’s mostly just decoration anyway)
This is an official variant in the Traders & Barbarians expansion. It works similar to Longest Road and Largest Army. Any settlement on a harbour earns a player 1 harbour point, and a city on a harbor earns them 2 harbour points. First person to reach 3 “Harbour points” receives the “Harbourmaster Card” – worth 2 Victory Points. Anyone who leapfrogs them steals the card and the 2 points.
Additional Info:
This is obviously a very rough adaptation of Westeros into a Catan board, and the island had to be squished a little shorter to fit (also, this used up almost all our land hexes!).
This map is completely doable to anyone who has the Base Game and its 5-6 extension, as well as Seafarers and its 5-6 extension. We’ve seen Westeros Catan maps online that use a billion pieces – we wanted to make a board that is playable and feasible to someone with the normal sets.
End of Game:
A player wins if…
- He has finished his Wonder of Westeros, OR
- He has 10 Victory Points and has finished a higher level for his Wonder than any other player
Follow all the rules set forth in the official Wonders of Catan scenario. These can be found in the Seafarers Rulebook (download PDF here). Note that no settlements may be placed upon the purple or brown squares during the placement phase. No settlements may ever be placed on an intersection with a red exclamation point.
Wonders of Westeros cards:
There are six Wonders to choose from, all with new images from the Game of Thrones title sequence. The two Great Bridge cards correspond to the two bridge locations on the map
Once a player is eligible and has selected a Wonder, he is committed to that particular Wonder for the rest of the game. Once a Wonder is claimed, no other player may start to build that Wonder.
Iceberg Rules:
Click here (it is mostly just decoration in this map though)
Credit: Fan map by Preston of Catan Maps. Render by Jasper.
These maps are made available as a free resource for Catan players. They may not be reproduced for commercial purposes nor distributed on commercial sites. If you believe any map infringes a copyright you own, it will be removed immediately until the matter is resolved.
If you have a question about these maps and/or rules, please contact us. We welcome any feedback, suggestions or corrections.
Index of Maps
The Found Scenarios
As well as maps, also check out different scenarios that you can add to your game. This page has a collection of official and fan-made add-ons that have been found online or included imany of the Catan Collector favourites.