Sets Needed

Base Set

Recommended for
3 to 4 players

Game Instructions
  • Victory: 10 Victory Points
  • Rules: Standard

This was the board used in the final round in the Catan National Championship Qualifier at CatanCon 2016 (Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, April 24th).

Credit: Map render created by Jasper



These maps are made available as a free resource for Catan players. They may not be reproduced for commercial purposes nor distributed on commercial sites. If you believe any map infringes a copyright you own, it will be removed immediately until the matter is resolved.

If you have a question about these maps and/or rules, please contact us. We welcome any feedback, suggestions or corrections.

Index of Maps


The Found Scenarios

The Found Scenarios

As well as maps, also check out different scenarios that you can add to your game. This page has a collection of official and fan-made add-ons that have been found online or included imany of the Catan Collector favourites.