Glass Robber - 2016 World Championship
Glass Robber - 2016 World Championship

Glass Robber - 2016 World Championship

This unusual glass robber was given to players as part of the 2016 World Championships. 

The artist was originally commissioned to create a single robber, however it was admired so much a few hundred were commissioned for the Championship and given to players. Further commissions were also made, so this is one of probably very few cases where a games company has commissioned an artist to help make unusual and custom pieces for wider circulation.

The artist estimated there may be as few as 600 of these robbers in total, so by Catan standards they are very rare.I am very pleased to have this in my collection. The one in my collection also came with a cowboy hat that fits perfectly, but this was added later as it was not part of the original production.

Thank you to the artist Tobias for the background information. To see more of his work, you can visit his site at


  • Official product: Yes
  • Source: Ebay
  • Language: English