Big Game, Big Honour
A mini-expansion originally released for participants of the Catan Big Game.
The Story
The players send settlers from their settlements and cities to the Big Game. They give them wool or grain as provisions. If a settler is successful at the Big Game, his owner earns laurels, which lifts the morale of all settlers. The more laurels you earn, the bigger are the advantages available to you.
Pieces Needed
- 1 x Big Game, Big Honor Table
- 24 x Settler pieces (6 in each colour)
- 24 x Laurel tokens
- 1 x Big Game Champion card

- Assemble the Big Game table and place it beside the game board.
- Each player receives 6 settlers of his color.
- Place the victory point card and the laurel tokens beside the game board.
Game Rules
The base game rules apply. Additionally, the following rules are used:
1. Set-up Phase
When you build your second settlement, insert 1 of your settlers into the slot of any free place at the Big Game table, at no cost.
2. Sending Settlers to the Big Game during play
If you pay 1 wool or 1 grain, insert 1 of your settlers into the slot of any free place at the Big Game table. 10 places are available; a number is assigned to each of these places. As soon as all 10 places are occupied, you must roll both dice, if you want to send another settler to the Big Game:
- If you roll the number of a place occupied by an opponent‘s settler, return that settler to the opponent and insert one of your own settlers into the slot of the place.
- If you roll the number of a place already occupied by one of your own settlers, bad luck – you paid wool or grain for nothing.
- If you roll a “7”, repeat the dice roll – if necessary, as many times as required to roll a different number.
Please note:
- None of the players can send more than 6 settlers to the Big Game.
- If the places at the Big Game aren’t all occupied yet, you may only send 1 of your settlers to the Big Game during your turn.
- If all places at the Big Game are occupied, you may try to send up to 2 of your settlers to the Big Game during your turn by rolling the dice.
3. Earning Laurel Tokens
- Each time the dice are rolled for production, the player whose settler occupies the place at the table marked with the number rolled receives a laurel token (LT).
- When a “7” is rolled and you have sent the most settlers to the Big Game, you receive 1 laurel token. If various players have sent an equal number of settlers, they do not receive laurel tokens when a “7” is rolled. Please note: If you have 6 laurel tokens, you can‘t earn another one.
4. Using Laurel Tokens
If you discard laurel tokens on your turn, an advantage is granted to you. Overviews of the advantages and their respective costs are as follows:
- 1 x LT - Return the robber to the desert.
- 2 x LT - Draw 1 resource card from an opponent‘s face-down hand.
- 3 x LT - Take any 1 resource card of your choice from the supply.
- 4 x LT - Build 1 road for free.
- 5 x LT - Draw 1 development card from the supply stack for free.
Please note:
- You may use each of the advantages only once during your turn.
- Laurel tokens may not be traded.
- You may not use laurel tokens before your turn – for example, to send the robber to the desert.
5. “Big Game Champion” Victory Card
The first player to have sent a total of 3 settlers to the Big Game receives the “Big Game Champion” special card. As soon as another player has sent more settlers to the Big Game than the current owner of the special card, that player immediately receives the special card and its victory point.
6. End of the Game
If you have 12 or more victory points during your turn, the game ends and you are the winner.
5/6 Players Pieces
The game was released for 4 players. For our own use I created an unofficial set of green/brown counters as shown below. We did not add more laurel tokens as we liked the idea that these were a finite resource and as the stock got low a place at the table became tactical.
Our additional rule was that if there were no laurel tokens available you could still try to gain a seat and try to become the Champion, but did not receive a laurel token.
Scenario design by Klaus & Benjamin Teuber
This board was a joint release between Kosmos and Mayfair in 2015, as a dual-language product. Originally used as an add-on for much larger "Big Games" the set was given to all participants of the Big Game and the official CATAN tournaments. It was not released for sale.

Index of Scenarios
These resources and maps have been gathered from various locations, including the old Catan Maps website. We do not own any of the material and we do not hold the copyright for its use. "The Lost Maps" project is about Catan fans sharing royalty free resources in a not for profit sharing process. For this reason we expressly forbid the commercial use of any resources or data on this site without permission from the original copyright holders. We welcome any feedback, suggestions or corrections.